Monday, May 17, 2010

My First 5K

Saturday I ran my first 5K ever.  It was the Salt Lake City "Law Day" run that raises money for legal aid.  It was up at the University of Utah campus, therefore, there were lots of hills.  I finished the race in 36 minutes.  I felt so accomplished and proud that I had completed that goal.  I am looking forward to the 10K we are running in 2 weeks!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

My New Life

Be Grateful

I think I've been feeling a little sorry for myself lately.  I sometimes hate running and I hate that I continue to struggle every morning.  Last night my husband prepared a wonderful family home evening.  It was about being grateful and how we need to express it everyday.  He gave all the kids gratitude journals and asked them to write down 5 things they are thankful for everyday.  He talked about how that will help us to be more grateful and mindful of all of our blessings.  He showed us a mormon message youtube video about a women named Stephanie Neilsen.  She was burned on over 80% of her body.  She bloggs every day about the trials she goes through and how grateful she is for these trials.  It is beautiful!  It has made me thankful that I have a body that can run.  It has inspired me beyond anything I can imagine.  I am better from her inspiring words.  I can go on!  I can do this!
Check out the youtube video.  It is called My New Life

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Okay so last week Rosie challenged us to double the amount of servings of fruits and vegetables we eat from 5 to 10.  I told her this morning how hard that has been for me.  My stomach is in knots and I feel like I'm starving!  It was funny when I told her because she had only challenged us for that day, I thought it was permanent!  I am deciding today to only have 4 servings, I really need to fix my digestive track.  Who would have thought too many fruits and veggies could be that harsh on you.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Today I will exercise, no excuses

Today would have been a perfect day to sleep in and not go running!  Rosie needed to help her daughter this morning, so she wouldn't be able to go.  I went to bed thinking about not getting up and just resting today.  Then I thought of the message Rosie brought to me last night.  It was "Today I will exercise, no excuses".  I could find an excuse every day if I wanted to, it's easy.  I got up, went running for 50 minutes, without Rosie's help.  I think it proved something to me and to her, she's had a huge impact on me!  I need to be able to rely on myself and my own personal conviction some days.  I still need Rosie, but I can do it on my own too. 
P.S. 19 pounds down!!!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Long Weekend

Okay so this was a long weekend!!!  It was Easter, Spring Break, and I had a daughter get her tonsils out.  I let myself eat a little more than I should have.  I've spent this morning throwing away all the candy and left overs so I won't be tempted by them anymore.  Holidays are hard!  You want to do all the traditions, but, they set you up for failure.  Baking rolls, pies, hams, filling eggs, candy galore, there is no end to the madness.  The worst part is I don't want people to think I'm on a "diet" isn't that weird?  I made all the fattening foods and desserts, ate them, and tried to act like I was normal.  The fact is I'm not.  I can not eat like everyone else, well I can, but only if I want to stay this weight for the rest of my life, and I DON'T!  Running this morning felt good.  Rosie had us do sprints at the end of the run, I almost threw up.  She says that's good for me, it must have been all the junk in my system from the weekend. 
I'm pumped, motivated, and glad there are no big holidays in the near future.  I am Powerful!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

"Do your best, forget the rest"

I felt good after yesterdays run.  We went up to Highland Drive and ran 4min walked 2 min for 45 min.  There were a bunch of gentle hills, and after Mondays repeated hill, these were quite nice.  I'm feeling stronger everytime I run.  I'm pretty sure I could tackle a 5K right now, I wouldn't be fast, but I would finish. I've lost 12 pounds, and all my clothes are getting lose.  I might be able to drop a pant size here pretty soon.  Running is giving me tons of energy, I find myself waking up earlier every day, being more active, and definately getting more done. 
I put the quote "do your best, forget the rest" as my title because I've had to remind myself of that today.   I've got a few things happening including my daughters surgery, so I'm not going to be able to exercise for a couple of days.  I feel nervous that a few days off will make me 1 gain weight, and 2 step back into an old habit of not exercising.  My best today and tomorrow is eating small portions and trying to be as active as possible.  I feel like half the battle of losing weight is in my own head.  I've got to work past my self defeating thoughts!